Netball Queensland Staff

Key Staff Contacts Within Netball Queensland

Mike Anderson, Chief Operating Officer, (07) 3426 9500

Andrew Herbert, Head of Finance
Joleen Carden, Finance & Payroll Lead

Jane Henry, General Manager - Commercial, Marketing and Events, (07) 3426 9500

Chanah Balcomb, Head of Marketing and Brand

Ed Jackson, Communications and Media Manager

Tyler Kerr, Partnerships and Fan Experience Manager

Adrian Thompson, General Manager - High Performance, (07) 3426 9500

Rose Jencke, Head of Talent and Development, (07) 3426 9500, option 2

Claire Kleinschmidt, Workforce Development Manager, (07) 3426 9500, option 2

Natalie Parsloe, Workforce Development Coordinator, (07) 3426 9500, option 2

Glenn Dennis, General Manager - Netball, (07) 3426 9500

Autumn Pierce, Head of Social Impact, (07) 3426 9500

Sarah Grant, Diversity and Inclusion Manager

Kym Lawson, Disability Inclusion Project Lead - Toowoomba

Taylah Airs, First Nations Engagement and Programming Manager

Renee Cubby, Diamond Spirit Coordinator (Bremer)

Telesha Nowlan, Diamond Spirit Coordinator (Marsden)

Luke Asi, Head of Competitions, (07) 3426 9500, option 4

Tahu Whaanga, Competitions Coordinator

Sam Douglas, Systems Support Lead, 0407 086 102

Far North Queensland, North Queensland, Whitsunday and Capricorn

Deb Eastlake, Head of North Queensland, (07) 3426 9500

Rebecca Harvey, Community Development Officer - Far North Queensland

Community Development Officer - North Queensland

Samantha Dippel, Community Development Officer - Central Queensland

Micheal Barlow, Diamond Spirit Activity Officer - Remote Communities

Metropolitan South, Metropolitan West, Lockyer Valley, Darling Downs, Southern Downs, South Burnett, Western and Remote Queensland

Eloise Mullins, Regional Manager, (07) 3426 9500

Amy Love, Community Development Officer - Gold Coast & Scenic Rim

Charlize Classen, Community Development Officer - Brisbane South & South Burnett

Millie Watt, Community Development Officer - Ipswich & Darling Downs

Metropolitan North, Wide Bay, North Burnett and Sunshine Coast

Paula Toonen, Regional Manager, (07) 3426 9500

Paige D'Ath, Community Development Officer - Brisbane

Isabella Marks, Community Development Officer - Brisbane

Community Development Officer - Sunshine Coast

Kate Davies, Chief Executive Officer, (07) 3426 9500
Liezel Reed, Administration Officer and Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, (07) 3426 9500
Michael Wright, Governance, Policy and Integrity Manager

Paul Delugar, General Manager - Nissan Arena, (07) 3426 9500

Heather Battye, Venue Event Manager
Remy Di Clemente, Venue Operations Supervisor

Nissan Arena General Enquiries (07) 3184 6899


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