24 January 2023
Notice to Netball Queensland Limited (NQ) Members of Change of Auditor
Further to the information provided at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) conducted on 28 April 2022, please note the following details regarding the change of the NQ auditor:
- The company would like to notify members that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has consented to the resignation of Bentleys Brisbane (Audit) Pty Ltd as auditor of Netball Queensland Limited.
- The change of auditor follows the conducting of a tender process by NQ for the role of external auditor, which is normal practice for the company at regular intervals.
- As part of a competitive tender process, which involved Bentleys Brisbane, Hall Chadwick QLD were selected by the NQ Board to be the company's auditor as noted at the last AGM.
- Hall Chadwick QLD has provided consent per s328A of the Corporations Act 2001 to be the proposed incoming auditor of NQ and has confirmed that it has the necessary resources to complete the statutory obligations required.
If you have any queries on this notice, please contact secretariat@netballq.org.au
Mike Anderson
Company Secretary